
Falando em Sorrir

Hoje, acordei com uma nova meta. Fazer todos sorrirem. Todos os dias em que ue trabalho, a minha maior recompensa é ver o sorriso de bebês em situação de risco. As pequenas gargalhadas, a decoberta do mundo e as brincadeiras de criança fazem meu mundo melhor.
Publiquei hoje aqui uma fanfic que eu amo e amei ter escrito. Fala do sorriso, como ele nos faz melhorar diante de situações adversas. Por isso, resolvi colocar aqui uma canção de uma das minhas duplas preferidas: Cidia e Dan.

Smile Everyday (Cidia e Dan)

"Take it easy
No stress
Show the world that you couldn't care less
Let it fly
And walk on by
I'll meet you on the other side Cos
I know life is gonna knock you down more and more
And it's gonna hurt sometimes that's for sure
I know you wanna fight the world and that's okay
But listen here my granny said smile cos
The world looks better that way
Smile everyday Take life in your stride
Smile everyday
My granny said smile cos the world looks better that way

Don't worry
About a thing Turn off the tv and let the telephone just ring
Let it fly
And walk on by
I'll meet you on the other side
Cos I know life is gonna knock you down more and more
And it's gonna hurt sometimes that's for sure
I know you wanna fight the world and that's okay
But listen here my granny said smile cos
The world looks better that way
I know life is gonna knock you down more and more
And it's gonna hurt sometimes that's for sure
I know you wanna fight the world and that's okay
But listen here my granny said smile cos
The world looks better that way
Smile everyday Take life in your stride
Smile everyday
My granny said smile cos the world looks better that way"


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